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SQL Azure Overview - Part 2 (18 minutes)

This is the sixth in a series of videos on Windows Azure and SQL Azure – click here for the summary entry and a list of all 7 videos.

SQL Azure Overview - Part 2 from Emmanuel Huna on Vimeo.

72. Overview of CodeSmith (http://www.codesmithtools.com/) and my favorite ORM tool, .netTiers (http://nettiers.com/)
73. Important .netTiers configuration settings - source database, output directory, enterprise library version, executing the SQL, SQL Server 2005 database features, layer names, and SignAssembly.
74. Creating the Business Logic Layer (BLL) and Data Access Layer (DAL) for our previously TESTDB1 sample database.
75. The .netTiers report: which C# classes were created - with one table we got 64 objects + all of the Stored Procedures.
76. Compiling the generated business layer.
77. Copying the binaries (compiled DLLs) to a middle tier folder in source control.  Makes it easier for other developers to use our projects.
78. Adding references to the middle tier DLLs to your Windows Azure projects so they are properly deployed to Staging/Production.
79. The .netTiers SQL Client provider and configuration settings in Web.Config (or app.config).
80. Using .netTiers dynamic connections to connect to a SQL Azure database at runtime.
81. Sample ASP.NET page that uses DataRepository to bind records from sample table (TstMessages) in TESTDB1.  Also uses Ajax (update panel and trigger).
82. Idea: sub-classing the System.Web.UI.Page to automatically check if parameters are loaded, check on upgrades and create the .netTiers dynamic connection string.
83. Loading the netTiersConnectionString from Windows Azure configuration.
84. Using a short constant for the dynamic connection string name (to simplify the already elongated code).
85. .netTiers community forums and a thread I started on dynamic connection strings.  We get a tip on how to modify the .netTiers templates to add built-in support for Windows Azure and SQL Azure.
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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 26, 2009 3:22 PM.

The previous post in this blog was SQL Azure Overview - Part 1 (48 minutes).

The next post in this blog is SQL Azure Overview - Part 3 (15 minutes).

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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