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SQL Azure Overview - Part 3 (15 minutes)

This is the seventh in a series of videos on Windows Azure and SQL Azure – click here for the summary entry and a list of all 7 videos.

SQL Azure Overview - Part 3 from Emmanuel Huna on Vimeo.

86. Modifying the .netTiers templates to read the SQL connection string from Windows Azure configuration instead of Web.Config (or app.config).
87. How the code looks in the ASP.NET page - it doesn't change, it's the same "DataRepository.MyTableProvider" code we've used in the past.
88. Changes in the DataRepository.cst template - changing the ConnectionString collection.
89. Making sure all .netTiers templates use "connectionString" from this collection.
90. The process of creating custom features in CodeSmith templates: first make the changes in the code, then make the changes in the templates.
91. Details of what was executed to modify the .netTiers 2.3 templates to support reading the netTiersConnectionString from Windows Azure configuration using the Windows Azure SDK v1.0.  We now have a "IsConnectionStringAzure" property in the main NetTiers.cst templates!

Good times!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 26, 2009 3:26 PM.

The previous post in this blog was SQL Azure Overview - Part 2 (18 minutes).

The next post in this blog is How to speed up Windows Azure Development (Part 1 of 2, 18 minutes).

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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