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Cloud computing today, not tomorrow

Lately, there has been a lot of talk in the industry on “cloud computing”, a paradigm in which information is permanently stored in servers on the Internet and cached temporarily on clients that include desktops, entertainment centers, table computers, notebooks, wall computers, handhelds, etc… 


Your documents, pictures, music and portable applications on Microsoft Live mesh: that's "Cloud Computing" today, not tomorrow. 

Watch the screencast below to learn how to use these technologies.

Very recently a few services and applications became available that gave Emmanuel a few ideas.  In this session, Emmanuel will share these ideas with you, showing you how the “Cloud” can be used today  – allowing you to access your data and many applications on any Windows desktop or laptop connected to the Internet.

Cloud Computing today, not tomorrow (41 minutes)

Cloud Computing today, not tomorrow from Emmanuel Huna on Vimeo.

Update 9/28/2008 - Spore on the cloud

I found a way to use Live Mesh to play a saved Spore game on any device in the Mesh.  See this post on my blog for more details.

Update 10/30/2008 - Support for Mac and Windows Mobile

I'm at the Professional Developers Conference (PDC, www.microsoftpdc.com) and they just announced support in Live Mesh for the Mac and Windows Mobile:

Original 9/19/2008: Here's the idea: use Portable Applications with Microsoft Live Mesh - install rich desktop applications and run them on any of your computers!  In addition, control any of your machines from any computer with Internet Explorer.  Microsoft currently gives you 5 GBs of data per Live Mesh.

Note: during the screencast (after about 10 minutes), I had an error installing Live Mesh on a virtual machine running Vista.  I wanted to make sure I showed how it's installed and how it works on two clean machines, one running Windows XP and one running Windows Vista.

Instead (on my laptop running Vista), I simply logged out of my real Live Mesh and logged in on the test Live Mesh I created for the screencast.  I learned that I could actually not only have multiple folders in my Live Mesh, shared with different folks, but I can also have multiple, separate, Live Meshes!

Applications and Technologies mentioned in this screencast:

Here are all of the portable apps I currently run from my Live Mesh "CloudDrive" folder:



Here's the picture I dropped on my "Cloud Drive" on my Live Mesh -


I was able to view it from all devices that were part of the Mesh.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 19, 2008 5:34 PM.

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The next post in this blog is New Technologies and Applications announced at the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 2008.

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